Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 2012

Figured the year’s first snow (really a dusting with ice) and the one-year check up are a good starting point to begin this year’s first update.  As I type, Acadia is dancing in the pack and play and waving to me while Carolyn vacuums the living room.  She loves playing with the cord for the vacuum so that may be the cause for her excitement.  Another possibility would be that she is enjoying Stevie Ray Vaughn’s version of Voodoo Child blaring from the laptop. She has become very interested in the laptop. When either Carolyn or I are on a computer she loves to come over and press keys and touch the screen.  We have discovered the wonders of using “technology” to engage her. Carolyn started with showing trailers to “Madagascar” and I took it to the next level letting her watch YouTube videos from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology-link included check it out… .   She does some very good loon calls now.
She has also taken to playing with the TV or DVD remote, which was funny at first but once she started changing channels while I was watching ESPN it became an issue.  My solution was to get a few old remotes from work and let her play with them. She will point at the TV and push buttons and is occupied and I still get to watch TV…brilliant parenting if I do say so myself.
The one year doctor’s appointment which included numerous vaccinations went well. She weighed in at 15 pounds 14 ounces and 28 inches.  Still not really packing on the pounds, but the pediatrician did not seem too concerned and we still have an appointment with a geneticist and then back to the GI doctor.  Hopefully that will be it.  We are feeding her more “people” food after talking with the pediatrician.   Some favorites include Ritz crackers, either eating or throwing Cheerios and puffs, pancakes, waffles, mashed potatoes, vanilla yogurt, cottage cheese, bananas, and avocados. 
She is standing with assistance from whatever object she can use to help balance herself. She plays with all of her toys and books from Christmas and birthday, though the “toy” of choice this week is one of my old socks she pulled from the clothes basket.
The three of us are prepared for the AFC championship game to be played this afternoon. Carolyn has now been fully indoctrinated into the importance of following a set routine while watching Ravens games and tolerates all of my other rituals. She has also impressed me with her nacho making abilities.  We used the bye week to visit Bob and Gretchen in Annapolis which was a good time for me to prove to her I’m not the only nut job that changes his clothes during the middle of a game or has to sit in a specific seat in order to change the course of the game. 
It’s officially the middle of the school year and we are both going through the routine of grades and change of classes. We set a pattern of Carolyn working late a few nights a week when I am not occupied with Allied Bowling.  Allied sports are for students that are not typically eligible to participate in scholastic sports, most of which have a disability of some kind. All the kids ask about Acadia and hopefully will get to see her when Franklin plays Catonsville next month.  The routine lets Carolyn get work done at school and not have to bring it home so we all get to spend more time together.
The Christmas and New Year Holidays went well for all.  We kept it low key on all points and split time with both families.  The three of us ventured to Colonial Williamsburg a few days after Christmas. Overall a good time, unfortunately it seemed like we spent more time stuck in traffic on 95 then  walking around the town or relaxing.
New Years eve of course brought the kids first birthday. Again we kept it low key with close friends and family. Naturally we keep thinking to the future and how to handle a rather social holiday with a b-day. Carolyn and I got a chance to head out to Locust Point to meet friends for a few hours while my parents watched Acadia.  We were home by 11:30 and I had to wake Carolyn up for the ball drop…yeah a wild and crazy night.
Okay a few hours before game time so I have to start getting ready…hope the new Blog format works for all.

1 comment:

  1. Mager - I was expecting to find the word "bacon" at least once in your blog post. I was wrong. Maybe next time.
